Sustainability Strategy
We consider being a socially responsible company a cornerstone of our business strategy. However, we are convinced that no sustainability can be effective without personal ethical commitment of the company’s leadership and its employees. We build on five basic values that we follow at work as well as in private. Our Code of Ethics is binding for us, we emphasize transparency, help philanthropic and environmental projects. We strictly respect human rights, support diversity and internal ecological policy on all levels. Find out more about our sustainable activities. We are MONETA.
• Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy of MONETA Group
• Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy of MONETA Group - key points
Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics represents the cornerstone of MONETA Group’s culture. It was updated in 2019 and acts as the Group’s internal Employment Rules. The Code declares MONETA Group’s obligations towards the employees, members of its bodies, clients, shareholders, business partners, regulatory authorities and other third parties.
We transparently publish information about our financial, social and ecological activities. The proof that we are on the right path is the fact that in 2019, we received the award for “Information openness” in CZECH TOP 100.
Information openness award
Annual Report of MONETA Money Bank
Carbon Footprint Reduction
In 2016, we undertook to radically reduce our carbon footprint, and we’ve had excellent progress on this commitment. By the end of 2025, we want to achieve the ambitious goal of carbon neutrality in direct emissions.
We have currently managed to reduce our carbon footprint by more than 70% in direct emissions saving more than 9,500 tonnes of CO2. This would correspond, for example, to the combined weight of 1594 African elephants. Our total CO2 emissions have dropped by more than 42% since 2016.
Carbon footprint calculation has been verified by an independent auditor according to international standard ISO 14064–1:2018.
What we do to reduce our carbon footprint?
- We have one of the largest corporate e-fleets in the Czech Republic. Every sixth car at MONETA is electric
- We gradually reduce the total number of our fleet cars
- We buy only green energy for our branches as well as both head offices
- Our Prague head office is in “smart” ecological building and we pay great attention to waste separation
- We also support building of recharging stations for electric cars
- We support construction of biogas stations
- We support innovative projects of enviromental protection
Certificate Energie EKO Gold 2021 - MONETA Money Bank
Certificate Energie EKO Gold 2021 - MONETA Stavební Spořitelna
Smart Landscape 2030+
We cooperate with the Czech University of ife Sciences and are a proud partner of unique project Smart Landscape 2030+. Its purpose is to research how our landscape might behave after 2030 under the existing climate conditions with typical sudden changes between heavy rains and droughts using retention basins, moors and other biotechnological measures.
In 2021 we will contribute CZK 2.5 million to this project.
More information at
Corporate Sustainability Report
Sustainable development is, together with our values, a cornerstone of our strategic planning. We offer you a complete list of our non-financial reports that have been a standard part of our Annual Reports for several years:
MONETA Grant Programme
The purpose of our Grant Program is to support organizations helping disadvantaged children and adults, as well as the elderly and focusing on environmental protection while also engaging our employees. It is them, who nominate the organizations they want to support under the Grant Programme and who become their virtual ambassadors. In 2021 we supported 85 non-profit organizations and their projects with amount more than CZK 5.7 million.
How to submit a grant application?
- Contact any MONETA Group employee from your local community, e.g. from your nearest branch of MONETA Money Bank, introduce your project and ask him/her to become guarantor and submitter of your project.
- Fill-in the form Žádost o grant MONETA Money Bank (in Czech only) (DOC, 235 kB) pursuant to Rules for Grant Applications of MONETA Money Bank.
- Attach a short cover letter, latest annual report and copy of your organization’s incorporation document (Articles of associations/Deed of incorporation). Any attachments or detailed budget must be part of the application.
- Send the filled-in application with all other documents in electronic or printed form to the project submitter from the MONETA Group you have contacted regarding your project. The MONETA employee will submit your application to and the application will be submitted to MONETA’s CSR Committee. You will be informed about the Committee’s decision within 30 days from the Committee’s session, i.e. in second (no later than July of the relevant year) and fourth quarter (no later than January of the following year).
Applications for the first round of the 2022 grant program can be submitted from 1 March to 31 March 2022.
MON HELP philanthropic program
On a regular basic we provide eguipment which is no longer in use, for example business computers, laptops, printers, cars or office furniture free of charge to selected socially disadvantaged families, children, single parents or seniors. The donations will partially cover the needs of these non-profit organizations, especially hospices, whose primary mission is outreach health and social services.
As part of the MON HELP philanthropic program, we cooperate with the non-profit organizations SOS Dětské vesničky, Fórum mobilních hospiců and Diakonie ČCE.
How to apply
Contact a specific organization according to the services offered and discuss the next steps with the organization.
Help for disadvantaged children and adults
SOS Dětské vesničky
Focus on outreach health and social services.
Fórum mobilních hospiců
Clients (centers, schools and service units) Diakonie ČCE
Diakonie Českobratrské církve evangelické
Smart Landscape 2030+
We cooperate with the Czech University of Life Sciences, we are a proud partner of unique project Smart Landscape 2030+. Its purpose is to research how our landscape might behave after 2030 under the existing climate conditions with typical sudden changes between heavy rains and droughts using retention basins, moors and other biotechnological measures.
In 2021, we will contribute CZK 2.5 million for the research.
More information on
Post Bellum, o. p. s.
We are a proud partner of Post Bellum and the Memory of Nations project focusing on searching for and recording the memories of witnesses of key moments of the 20th century..
More at
Václav Havel Library
We are an established partner of the Václav Havel Library which spreads the ideas, literary and political legacy of Václav Havel and uses different forms to introduce the historical meaning of the fight for human rights and freedom during totality and the formation of civic society during early years of democracy to the public.
In 2019, we proudly opened Václav Havel in-house libraries at our head offices in Prague and Ostrava, where our employees may borrow some of his books.
More about the organization at
Help the Children
MONETA is the main banking partner of the charity collection Pomozte dětem (Help the Children) of the Nadace rozvoje občanské společnosti. We provide free charity account 595959595/0600 to support endangered and disadvantaged children. In addition, we also ensure free processing of the cash collected in the streets of Czech cities during the Feather week, which precedes the Beneficial evening at the Czech Television, we assist in a number of other activities throughout the year.
More information at
DofE – Duke of Edinburgh International Award
Our employees are mentors of your people under the DofE program, one of the major informal educational programs in the world. Our mentors support and guide their mentees in development of skills, physical activities and volunteering. In return, they receive interesting mentoring experience.
More information in the press release and at
Cesta za snem, z. s.
We are an active partner of the Cesta za snem, z. s.
Our employees under the MONETA Team flag actively participate in the Way to a Dream projects to show that people with physical handicap can do sports actively alongside healthy people.
The biggest event of the season is ‘Handy Cyklo Maraton’, in which our team, including one handicapped rider, first participated in 2020.
More information in the press release and at
Helping with Smart Banka
You can donate money to selected non-profit organization in our mobile application Smart Banka. This year, you can support the following organizations with Smart Banka:
- Domácí hospic DUHA
- Pomocné tlapky, o. p. s.
- Knihovna Václava Havla
- Sbírka Pomozte dětem
- Klub cystické fibrózy
Social and Matching Fund
Social and Matching Fund serves our employees who find themselves in a difficult life situation (economic, health-related, etc.). Under the Matching Fund, we also support various fundraising activities of our employees aimed at their colleagues or non-profit organizations.
Employee Ombudsman
Our Employee ombudsman has been here for all MONETA employees since 2017. They can address him/her regarding protection of rights and legitimate interests as well as violation of rules or unethical behaviour. Ombudsmen are also the source of advice and consultations concerning the Code of Ethics.
MONETA Volunteers – “We commit good”
Each employee of the MONETA Group can dedicate two days a year to volunteering at a non-profit organization..
We cooperate with organizations focusing on assisting disadvantaged children and adults, helping the seniors and protecting the environment..
In the year 2021, our employees engaged in 47 volunteer programs under the WE COMMIT GOOD initiative and donated more than 1 560 volunteering hours to 22 non-profit organizations.
MON FAIR/Diverzita
At MONETA, we are aware that diversity and individuality contribute to our company culture, as well as innovative workplace and growth of our company in general. At the beginning of 2020, we established an expert committee for diversity, inclusion and gender equality as an advisory body for the Management Board of MONETA Group. The name of the committee – “MON FAIR” – was voted by the employees in a company poll. It is a combination of the bank’s name with an international term for honest and polite behaviour. Hence MON FAIR.
We have also been long-term signatories of the Diversity Charter, a European initiative that joins more than 7 thousand employers in 14 European countries.
We were the only Czech company to be included in the prestigious “Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index 2020 (GEI)”..
More information in the press release.
Client Ombudsman
Client Ombudsman has been operating at our bank since 2012. Together with the Ombudsman team, the Ombudsman handles serious issues and recurring client complaints. His/her task is to find out about the real state of affairs and review the subject matter of the dispute while taking client’s personal situation strongly into consideration. Client Ombudsman team also handles issues forwarded to the MONETA Group members by the Financial Arbiter or Czech National Bank. In 2019, Client Ombudsman team handled 248 individual cases. Since July 2020, Stanislava Hejnová serves as the MONETA Group Client Ombudsman.
More information in the press release.
Green Investment Funds
We facilitate the opportunity to invest into “green funds” for our clients. We carefully select investment opportunities based on ESG criteria that allow them socially responsible investments. Clients can invest their funds through the internet banking as well as via our mobile banking application Smart Banka from CZK 300 a month.
Etické kodexy a ochrana spotřebitele
Etický kodex Skupiny MONETA
Etický kodex představuje základ kultury společností Skupiny MONETA a upravuje základní pravidla chování a hodnoty společností Skupiny MONETA. Dále jsme se také oficiálně připojili k etickým kodexům České bankovní asociace, jejichž cílem je stanovit obecné etické normy v bankovním sektoru a základní pravidla chování mezi bankami a klienty.
Etické kodexy ČBA
Mobilita klientů
Všem, kdo chtějí z jiné banky přestoupit do MONETA Money Bank, i našim klientům, kteří se rozhodnou přestoupit do jiné banky, poskytneme plnou součinnost v procesu přestupu z jedné banky do druhé.
Chování mezi bankami a klienty
Kodex, který přesně vymezuje práva retailových klientů vůči bance a povinnosti bank vůči klientům.
Kodex chování mezi bankami a klienty
Úvěry a bydlení
Tento kodex stanoví zásady poskytování předsmluvních informací při poskytování úvěru na bydlení.