Terms of Use

Please read these Terms carefully before using this site. Also refer to the document on the use of cookies found in Privacy policy for site users.

Article I. General provision

For the purposes of these terms, the www.moneta.cz portal means the website of MONETA Money Bank, as, with its registered office at Vyskočilova 1442/1b, 140 28 Praha 4, IČO: 256 72 720, registered in the commercial registered administered by the Municipal court in Prague, section B, 5403, belonging to the MONETA financial group. The owner and the operator of the www.moneta.cz portal (hereinafter referred to as "the portal") is MONETA Money Bank, a.s. (hereinafter referred to as “the operator").

The services provided by the portal are publicly accessible. The operation of the portal, the use of services, the rights and obligations of the operator and users are governed by these Terms. Use of the portal is subject to consent with these Terms. Consent to these rules is expressed by the user by using this portal. In the event of a breach of these Terms, the operator may apply the measures contained therein.

Article II. Copyright

The operator reserves all copyrights to the content on the pages of the portal, including text and display on these pages, site design, technical sketches, software, graphics and other files, their selection and layout.

The content of this site may not be altered, copied, downloaded or otherwise disseminated ("disseminated"), as such or as part of other materials, without the prior written consent of the operator. This does not apply to the dissemination of the content of this site for private (non-commercial) purposes provided that such dissemination is not capable of jeopardizing the copyright of the operator. Such consent to the dissemination of the content of these sites may be revoked by the operator at any time.

Article III. User behaviour

The user undertakes to comply with applicable laws and regulations in the Czech Republic, to always act in accordance with these regulations, good morals and these Terms, to not harm the good name of the operator or other users. The user undertakes in particular not to:

  • interfere with the security of this portal or to otherwise misuse it;
  • interfere with the use of this portal by other users;
  • use the portal to send spam or chain messages;
  • send virus-containing messages or any malicious or harmful programs to this portal;
  • create fake messages to fake the identity of the sender or try to penetrate the account of other users;
  • try to gain access to the site of this portal which is excluded from the use of the public;
  • to disseminate any reports or material infringing the laws of the Czech Republic on the portal, in particular reports or materials that interfere with the rights and legitimate interests of third parties that are against human dignity, which in their content are discriminatory in terms of religion, belief, race, gender and which promote illegal activity or violence.

Article IV. Limitation of service availability

The user acknowledges and agrees that following circumstance may happen:

  • a poor accessibility of the service or it’s complete malfunction,
  • a delivering of a message that contains viruses or other programs that can damage your computer or software used by the user,
  • no message delivery, or receiving of a damaged or incomplete message, or late delivery of the message,
  • no sending of a message, or sending of a damaged or incomplete message, or sending of a message late,
  • a deletion of any data,
  • a modification or cancellation of service provision.

The operator is not responsible for these restrictions on availability of services and the user will not claim damages for the services provided here.

Article V. Confidentiality

The Operator will not provide user data ("confidential Information") to a third party except when permitted by law. This limitation does not apply to cases where the user agrees to provide these data to third parties. The consent can be given in any form, for example by clicking a button. In case of termination of registration, the operator will continue to maintain the user data in the system for the fulfilment of its legal obligations, the protection of legitimate interests or for the processing by authorized authorities in trial or administrative proceedings.

The user hereby declares and confirms that before giving the consent with provision of confidential information he or she has been instructed by the operator on behalf of the other companies mentioned herein on his or hers rights arising from the law on relevant personal data protection regulation.

Consent to the provision of confidential information may be withdrawn in writing by user and the withdrawal has to be delivered to the address of the company's registered seat. The user acknowledges and agrees that if the user withdraws consent to the operator, the operator may terminate the provision of the services.

Article VI. Links to third party websites

The pages on this portal may contain links to third party websites. The operator is not responsible for the content of the third-party websites.

In the event third party websites contain a link to the site of this portal, if the links and their content have not been previously approved in writing by the operator, the operator shall not be held responsible for such links.

Article VII. Restrictions on services provided

The operator has the right at any time to change the scope or content of the portal or offers contained on the portal or to entrust the operation of the portal to third parties (possibly with such third parties having access to confidential information about the user) or to cease to operate the portal, provided that it notifies the user of such changes at least three business days in advance, by providing information about such changes to the site of this portal or by delivering the message to the user's e-mail address.

Article VIII. Sanctions

The operator may impose sanctions in case the user uses the portal in violation of the laws of the Czech Republic or good morals or these Terms, especially Article III. of these Terms. The operator may use any of the following sanctions: user notification, immediate limitation of the use of the portal or prevention of the user's usage of the portal.

Article IX. Final provisions

The Operator is entitled to change these Terms at any time. The operator will notify changes on the website of this portal. Agreeing with the change and the current wording of these Terms will be expressed by continuing to use this portal and to use the services of the operator by the user.

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